IWebConnector finalist in e-Tech awards
In the area of the technology of Girona there are very known the digital awards E-TECH, a few awards which are valued and recognized the companies or institutions of the city that contribute to the diffusion and to the development of the TIC.
And today, on December 13 we are satisfied to announce that we have been finalists in these digital rewards, specifically in the area of the application of the TIC in the companies.
Two years ago we started with this project that is IWebConnector, investing in research and development, working many hours to adapt to the characteristics of the products of our clients and also to the platforms of sale online or marketplace, as Amazon or Privalia.
That’s why it is a pride to be able to share this award with you, a prize that encourages us to move forward, to continue working and improving our solutions so that they are closest to and facilitate the adaptation of the business fabric of Girona to the digital revolution of the eCommerce, to the small trade in IWebConnector support and help.
Finally, I would like to thank l’Aenteg or Association of New Technology Companies in Girona for this recognition, as well as to thank also to all the team behind and it makes our work possible.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018.